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Kygo ‘Carry Me’ VR Experience

Publisher – Sony Music Entertainment
Price – US $1.99/ EU €N/A / UK £N/A / AU N/A
Release date – January 04, 2017
Move Support – No
Pro Patch – no
Digital only – Yes
Reviewed on – PS4 Pro

This is gonna be a short one.  What we get here is a VR music video for what I assume is a popular song I have never heard of before.  With 11+ million views on YouTube, its very catchy, very repetitious, very stock pop and its definitely the perfect kind of song to get the VR treatment…I’m just not sure if this is something people want.

From what I can gather Kygo is a pianist with Julia Michaels supplying the vocals, though I didn’t notice here name in the video, but that could have been easily missed.  Backing ‘Carry Me’ is a VR video that has little to nothing to do with the song except for some pianist imagery at a few points in the video.  Everything else here is a little dream sequencey with a neon setting changing over the course of the 4 min video.

It looks cool, but you can find similar 360 vids on YouTube

It looks good, I’ll give it that, and would definitely be something to show off to your relatives when they come to visit.  The song is catchy as well so it is a positive experience, it’s just that I don’t think there is much appeal in watching a lone VR music video.  It’s a fair bit of steps to get VR going just to watch 1 short video, especially when it costs money.  Added to this is there really isn’t a lot to see and one view will pretty do it as far as content goes.  Oh, and once the video ends the only way to restart it is to quit and restart from the PS menu, which seemed a little odd.

While I do appreciate new unique ventures in VR, I think this route might be a miss.  With an incentive like a free mp3 download code or something along those line that could justify the price, but as it stands now this might be the best VR demo for your mother-in-law not worth paying for.

What would I pay? $0US.  This is a positive experience, it’s just not worth real money.  You can find 360 vids on YouTube that do essentially the same thing as well as the actual song.


  • Catchy pop song
  • Nice visuals


  • Once you've seen it, you've seen it all
  • Video doesnt really match the song
  • Costs money



  1. All PS4 games have to quit from the PS button menu. Not sure why that is considered “weak”. But thanks for the kind words on the experience visuals. That was a major goal (I’m the lead developer).

    • Sorry about that, I fixed it to what it was supposed to say. That was literally the last point I added last night before posting and I was a little bit tired. Great job on the visuals!!

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