async load means that it does not block loading other elements of your page. gtag('consent', 'default', { 'ad_storage': 'denied', 'ad_user_data': 'denied', 'ad_personalization': 'denied', 'analytics_storage': 'denied' });

Ryan Ouellette

I absolutely love VR and look forward to every single game being released. I've been in love with games as long as I can remember and plan on playing them until I die!

Voltron VR Chronicles YouTube Giveaway

Yup, thanks to the wonderful people over at Digital Domain I have 1 extra NA PSN code to giveaway.  All you gotta do is leave a comment on the video review here.  I plan on drawing the winner tomorrow!



DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles

Voltron is less of a game and more interactive movie. With that said it has some of the best presentation I have seen in VR with amazing cell-shaded visuals, a decent story and some gaming elements


End Space PSVR US code

I’m sitting on 1 US code for End Space  for the PlayStation VR.  For a chance to win, all you need to do is leave a comment on the YouTube review page.  I’ll draw the winner on Sunday



User Avg

End Space

End Space offers up some space battles, solid game play and some nicely polished visuals and, though it's not perfect, is still a pretty damned space shooting adventure!



User Avg

The Solus Project

The Solus Project tells a story that is both mysterious and intriguing. While not perfect, what's presented offers up hours of gameplay and a lot of fun.


Where’s the reviews!?

Hey all, if your reading this, 1st of all, thanks.  With school back in full swing, mine and many of my reviewers have had to make schedule adjustments to accommodate our busy lives.  PSVR review will be still be coming full swing, this was just on off week with both games having press release issues.  As for the Vive and Rift; reviews are still coming, but the pace may be slower.  If you think yo...[Read More]



User Avg

End Space

End Space is one of the best games available for the Gear VR and if you like Space combat shooters than you owe it to yourself to buy it...right now!


Blasters of the Universe winner!

Congratulations Max, easy win!  As always, stay tuned to the giveaway section for whatever comes next



User Avg

Bloody Zombies

Bloody Zombies is just about the greatest homage to classic arcade brawlers you can get, and VR only adds to the awesome presented here!


Titanic VR is coming!

Titanic VR is coming and is quite possibly the best way to explore the sunken ship.

Site changes

Taking a hard look at how users are handled by the site.  Also rearranging ads and removing most of the generic ones.  Review pages have seen a more condensed format as as well.  Just working on the back end to make the front that much more pretty.

Blasters of the Universe giveaway!!!

I was lucky enough to receive a 2nd code for ‘Blasters of the Universe‘ and I want to give it to you.  As always, just leave a comment on the review for your chance to win that steam code!  I’ll draw the winner in a day or 2.

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