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Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son

Head back to Punxsutawney and relive the same day over and over again in this VR sequel to the Groundhog Day film.

Blood and Truth

Blood and Truth in a modern day mobster tale loaded with action and drama!

Awake: Episode 1

Awake Ep 1 is a cinematic VR experience centered around lucid dreams

DreamWorks Voltron VR Chronicles

Voltron is less of a game and more interactive movie. With that said it has some of the best presentation I have seen in VR with amazing cell-shaded visuals, a decent story and some gaming elements

Digital Domain’s Monkey King

Monkey King is a half hour VR movie worth your time. It wont be long until we are watching full films like this and while this isn't perfect, it's not bad either.


Ctrl is a 20 minute 360 degree movie that has a serious message...I'm just not quite sure what it is.

Ghostbusters is Hiring: Firehouse

Ghostbusters VR is all promise and not much in the way of delivery. It's also insanely short and barely starts before it ends.

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