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The Chantry is an educational experience about Smallpox with some light gaming elements.
We look back at Sony's first VR collection of games and experiences for the PSVR
CoolPaintr VR offers up a 3D art app where you can create just about whatever you want.
Virry VR Wild Encounters gives us some new 360 vids of animals right in your face.
The Way of Kings is a tie-in experience to a book series of the same name and offers an all to brief romp in this fantasy world
Care to take a ride on a rollercoaster in a toy factory surrounded by homicidal bears?
The First Class VR offers some breathtaking cinematic moments from humanity's most pivotal moments in flight.
Virry VR is an educational romp through the African Safari, but limited interaction and a lack of significant content prevent this from being anything...[Read More]
Heaven Forest NIGHTS is an interesting walking simulator with some cool set pieces, but that's about it.
Voltron is less of a game and more interactive movie. With that said it has some of the best presentation I have seen in VR with amazing cell-shaded ...[Read More]
If you are into Stoner Rock and headbanging, this is for you. For everybody else, this is probably a pass.
Monkey King is a half hour VR movie worth your time. It wont be long until we are watching full films like this and while this isn't perfect, it's no...[Read More]