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You have a VR headset…now what?!

You have a VR headset…now what?!

Whether you have a Samsung Gear VR headset or any of the the assorted Google cardboard headset there is now a whole new world open to you but very little out there to guide you in your VR journey.  1st off you need to bookmark this site and follow all my social media accounts…ALL OF THEM!!!! In all seriousness, with either of the headsets, just start downloading free content and only pay for the stuff that’s worth paying for.  As the VR world only gets larger more and more content is being put out there, not all of it is good, so be a little wary.

The Gear VR headset offers the best mobile experience you can get right now.  The Occulus store(loaded as soon as you plug the phone into the headset) offers a slew of content.  Check out the Occulus videos app for loads of free content including shorts, movie tie in videos and a lot of 360 degree content.  Secondly, download the free stuff…any of it, if it sucks, you’ve only wasted a bit of time.  There are also some experiences available in the Google Play store, but getting them to work requires an extra step or 2.  I purchased Package Disabler Pro for around a $1 from the play store and by simply checking of “Gear VR Service” box in the app now, when you place your phone in the headset, the Occulus store no longer loads automatically, allowing you to play non-Occulus content.

With those steps in place you can now view whatever content you want.  If you’ve ever noticed that little cardboard glasses icon on YouTube vids, hitting that button opens up that video for 360 videos.  Scrolling through YouTube’s side menu there is actually a 360 degree videos category so you can watch back to back content easy enough. I would advise you viewers to like videos that appeal to you as even little steps like that help support more VR content.

In order to fully experience whats available in the VR world, your gonna need a Bluetooth controller.  They range in price from $10 to $100 and even a few beyond that price and allow you to experience some of the best games out there.  I am currently using the Moga Hero Power Android Controller and I love it.  It’s fully functional, compact, easy to set up and works great, I recommend it.  Any standard controller should work just fine though, read reviews on anything before you buy, Amazon user reviews are usually pretty reliable.

Hopefully that’s enough to get you going in VR.  My goal on this site is to provide reviews and direct you to pay for the right stuff and avoid the garbage, so follow any or all of my social media for new content updates and give me feedback, I want to design my content around what you want to see.

I absolutely love VR and look forward to every single game being released. I've been in love with games as long as I can remember and plan on playing them until I die!

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