Ryan Ouellette

I absolutely love VR and look forward to every single game being released. I've been in love with games as long as I can remember and plan on playing them until I die!



User Avg

Infinite Minigolf

Hard to ask for more from a mini golf game with endless user created content. Throw in some charming visuals and a great course creator and their is a tonne of value here.


Apollo 11 winner!!!!

Congratulations Hill Hackworth!!! You win the random draw!!! I will email you the code shortly. Thanks to those that commented and stay tuned for more giveaways!!!!

Just In Time Incorporated Steam Code Giveaway!

I have 3 steam codes up for grabs for this new release.  For a chance to win, just leave a comment on our review and I will randomly draw the 3 winners tomorrow!



User Avg

Digital Domain’s Monkey King

Monkey King is a half hour VR movie worth your time. It wont be long until we are watching full films like this and while this isn't perfect, it's not bad either.



Smashbox Arena

Smashbox Arena is the Move controller multiplayer gem you have been waiting for. It's fun and super polished and the only thing really holding it back is the PSVR hardware.



A VR game hub for all your Virtual gaming needs! https://vrgamecritic.com/

PlayStation VR NA Apollo 11 Giveaway!!!

Hey all! The gentle-beings over at Immersive VR Education have given me a NA PSN code for Apollo 11 VR, but we already reviewed it so I’m giving it to you.  As usual, just leave a comment on our Apollo 11 VR Review for your chance to win.  I’ll randomly draw the winner tomorrow or the day after so get those comments in!!!



Heroes of the Seven Seas VR

Take to the seas as a pirate hero in this budget title. It brings a lot to the table, and if your not expecting a lot, you may be pleasantly suprised.




Theseus feels like many adventure games you have played before, but it's a whole new monster in VR and serves the genre well!


Seabed Prelude winners are…..

Congratulations to Jeremy Johnson and Patrick.  I emailed the codes to emails you provided.  As always thanks to everyone that commented and come back often, I’m giving away a new Steam release this week as well as a few more Steam VR bundles so stay tuned!

Seabed giveaway

Hey all, I forgot to give a end date for this giveaway which will be tomorrow. See ya then!!!!

Seabed Prelude Giveaway

Hey, we are giving away 2 copies of Seabed Prelude compatible for the #vive and #rift.  Just leave a comment on the review.  I’ll draw names on Sunday.

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