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10 Indiegala VR X Bundles giveaway!!

10 Indiegala VR X Bundles giveaway!!

Yup, I’m doing my largest giveaway yet with 10  Indiegala X VR bundles that desperately need new owners.  All you gotta do for a chance to win is simply leave a comment on this sub reddit page about your favorite VR game and maybe the highlight experience you had from it…So easy!  I’ll randomly draw and PM the 10 WINNERS in 2 days (Sunday).

(Here’s the games included in each bundle) CYBER JOLT Escape The Gray Bullet Dodge THOSE DAMN ALIENS! VR ALONE? – VR Beyond the City VR Pane In The Glass Plank not included RED CUBE VR Throttle Powah VR Nightmare Grotto

I absolutely love VR and look forward to every single game being released. I've been in love with games as long as I can remember and plan on playing them until I die!

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