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Indiegala VR XI giveaway

Indiegala VR XI giveaway

I tried to give away a bunch of these on Facebook with little success so I thought I’d try here.  I’m giving away 10 bundles and all you gotta do is leave a comment on the Proton Pulse review for a chance to win. I’ll draw names Friday or Saturday and here is the list of games included in each bundle

Relax Walk VR

Thunder Spheres – Virtual Reality 3D Pool

Dark Mechanism – VR

Streetball VR

Disco Time 80’s VR

Space Slam

Unruly Ghouls

Proton Pulse

Speed and Scream

Dark Maze

Ultimate Booster Experience

I absolutely love VR and look forward to every single game being released. I've been in love with games as long as I can remember and plan on playing them until I die!

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