Dan Siegel

I am a student studying journalism, neuroscience, and anthropology. I’ve been incredibly passionate about video games my entire life, playing on my custom-built PC daily since 2010. My love of sc-fi-esque futuristic technology, and being enchanted by the HTC Vive’s media demos, led me to save up for a Vive in September 2016. I play it all the time, and take every opportunity to show it off. I’ve always loved writing thought-out reviews on Steam, and my journalism degree only helps me take this further. I think gaming customers deserve to understand the unbiased, complete story of whether or not they should spend their money on a game they’re interested in, and I take pride and pleasure in helping guide this understanding. I also love playing the didgeridoo, running, science, and EDM. Review Platforms: HTC Vive



Symphony of the Machine

Symphony of the Machine is beautiful, relaxing, unique, and deserves praise. However, its severe lack of content compared to the asking price hampers the whole experience.



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Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality

The virtual reality “Rick and Morty” game is a much-anticipated treat for VR-toting fans of the sci-fi dark-comedy TV show, and it's pretty fun! Those unfamilar with the show may feel a little left out.

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